Nutrition & Feeding Programme (NFP)
Fighting poverty by improving health
Over 1,000 children and youth from poverty-stricken homes are fed daily by WAMIMS. Many are orphans, children heading families, HIV/AIDS infected and affected – and this could be their only meal of the day.
Growing up in poverty, kids face tough challenges, hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and medical services, gang violence, social discrimination and isolation. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Together, we can transform the lives of
children in poverty. it starts right here, right now when you support any of our programmes.
#2 Our Nutrition and Feeding Programme support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. No.2 is: end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

After School Support Programme (ASSP)
We offer a varied and high quality after school life skills and educational programme for Grade 1, primary and high school leaners. ASSP takes place every day during the school term from 14:00 – 17:00. It takes the form of leaning support from Monday to Thursdays, and creative arts and play on Fridays.
The core of our programme is tutoring. Volunteer tutors support leaners in small groups to ensure that they understand their school work.
We also provide computer literacy and e-leaning classes and during school holidays we partner with organizations to offer: health, leadership and skill workshops and media, image and expression workshops.
87% pass rate achieved in 2018
#4 Our education programs support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. No. 4 is: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
A good education is a child’s best chance to escape poverty. When you fund our After-School Support Programme, you ensure that kids will receive help through tutoring, computer skills classes and life skills.
WAMIMS Arts Programme (WAP)
WAMIMS Arts Programme is the nucleus that draw youth to the Centre voluntarily. Through their participation in activities, our youth become aware of options available to them for support, education and training. All programs, activities and services are funnelled through nurturing and grooming their talents.
This programme engages youth in various programs and activities geared to arm them with knowledge, experience, skills and support that will build their personal skills and increase their resiliency in order to have a successful future.